Legal documents
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 10.09.2024
Registration Document dated 24 July 2024
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 15 July 2024 (SFSA)
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Express Securities, Twin Win Securities, Reverse Bonus Securities, Capital Protected Securities, Accumulator Securities, Reverse Convertible Securities, Bonus Securities, Sprinter Securities, Discount Securities and Buy on Dips Securities, dated 23.05.2024
Securities Note for the offer of Warrants and other leveraged Securities dated 26.04.2024
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities Linked to a Notional Reference Portfolio dated 17 November 2023
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 30 October 2023 (SFSA)
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 13.09.2023
Registration Document dated 16 August 2023
Summary and Securities Note for Smart Health Care Portfolio Certificates (ISIN DE000US8MAR5) dated 10.08.2023
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Express Securities, Twin Win Securities, Reverse Bonus Securities, Capital Protected Securities, Accumulator Securities, Reverse Convertible Securities, Bonus Securities, Sprinter Securities, Discount Securities and Buy on Dips Securities, dated 25.05.2023
Securities Note for the offer of Warrants and other leveraged products dated 27.04.2023
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 26 January 2023 (SFSA)
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Certificates Linked to a Notional Reference Portfolio dated 24.11.2022
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 21.09.2022
Registration Document dated 14 September 2022
Summary and Securities Note for Smart Health Care Portfolio Certificates (ISIN DE000US8MAR5) dated 22.06.2022
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 13.06.2022
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Express Securities, Twin Win Securities, Reverse Bonus Securities, Dolphin Securities, Capital Protected Securities, Accumulator Securities, Reverse Convertible Securities, Bonus Securities, Sprinter Securities, Discount Securities and Buy on Dips Securities dated 09.06.2022
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 13 May 2022 (SFSA)
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Warrants and other leveraged products dated 29.04.2022
Legal Notification - 21.04.2022
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Certificates Linked to a Notional Reference Portfolio dated 15 December 2021
Registration Document dated 1st October 2021
Swiss Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Securities dated 1st October 2021
Registration Document dated 21 September 2021
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 11 August 2021 (SFSA) - 11.08.2021
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Express Securities, Twin Win Securities, Speeder Securities, Outperformance Plus Securities, Bonus Securities, Dolphin Securities, Capital Protected Securities, Accumulator Securities, GOAL Securities, Perles Plus Securities, Sprinter Securities, Discount Securities and Buy on Dips Securities dated 25.06.2021
Summary and Securities Note for Smart Health Care Portfolio Certificates (ISIN DE000US8MAR5) dated 24.06.2021
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Securities dated 16.06.2021
Securities Note for the issue and offer of Warrants and other leveraged products dated 05.05.2021
Securities Note dated 17 December 2020
Securities Note dated 3 November 2020
Registration Document dated 12 October 2020
Securities Note dated 8 September 2020
Summary and Securities Note for Smart Health Care Portfolio Certificates (ISIN DE000US8MAR5)
Gelfarth Select Strategy Reference Portfolio - Summary and Securities Note CH0326223960 dated 29 July 2020
Securities Note dated 16 July 2020
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Cash) dated 10 July 2020
Securities Note (Base prospectus) for Securities dated 18.06.2020
PTAM Navigator Portfolio - Summary and Securities Note CH0441698849 dated 17 June 2020
Securities Note (Base Prospectus) for Warrants and other leveraged Securities dated 12 May 2020
Securities Note (Base Prospectus) for Securities dated 26 February 2020 (SFSA)
Aktien Faktor-Select Global Portfolio - Summary and Securities Note CH0473581046 dated 12. February 2020
Registration Document dated 21 November 2019 (CSSF)
Registration Document dated 13 November 2019 (BaFin)
Base prospectus of Securities: Express, Twin-Win, Speeder, Outperformance Plus, Bonus, Dolphin, Capital Protected, Accumulator
Gelfarth Select Strategy - Summary and Securities Note CH0326223960 dated 11 July 2019
Summary and Securities Note for Smart Health Care Portfolio Certificates (ISIN DE000US8MAR5)
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Cash) dated 10 July 2019
Base prospectus for Issuance of Securities dated 19 June 2019
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 13 June 2019
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities dated 27 march 2019
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Securities dated 13 May 2019
PTAM Navigator Portfolio - Summary and Securities Note CH0441698849 dated 8 May 2019
UBS Global Quality Dividend Payers Index - Summary and Securities Note DE000UBS0QD1 dated 6 May 2019
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Securities dated 30 April 2019
Registration Document dated 27 November 2018
Smart Health Care Portfolio Certificates - Summary and Securities Note DE000US8MAR5 dated 30 October 2018
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 12 October 2018
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Cash) dated 10 October2018
Gelfarth Select Strategy Certificates - Summary and Securities Note CH0326223960 dated 20 September 2018
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 05 July 2018
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 27 June 2018
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 2 May 2018
Base prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 1 March 2018
Registration Document dated 14 December 2017
Gelfarth Select Strategy Certificates - Summary and Securities Note CH0326223960
Base prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 28 September 2017
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 13 July 2017
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 21 June 2017
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Fixed Income Securities (Cash) dated 14 June 2017
GBC Directors' Dealings Value Strategy Certificates - Summary and Securities Note CH0358664750
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 5 May 2017
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 28 February 2017
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 27 January 2017
Registration Document dated 19 December 2016
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 27 September 2016
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 8 September 2016
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 21 July 2016
Gelfarth Select Strategy Certificates - Summary and Securities Note CH0326223960
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Fixed Income Securities (Cash)
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 30 May 2016
Registration Document
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 26 January 2016
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 26 January 2016
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 8 January 2016
Basisprospekt UBS Performance Securities vom 15. Dezember 2015
Base Prospectus for the issue of Securities dated 1 September 2015
Basisprospekt for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Cash)
Basisprospekt für die Emission von Wertpapieren vom 12. Juni 2015
Base Prospectus Securities 2015 dated 1 June 2015
Base Prospectus for Warrants dated 11 May 2015
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 17 April 2015
Registration Document
Base Prospectus for Fixed Income Securities (Rates) Update 2015
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Cash)
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 30 June 2014
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 23 June 2014
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Warrants dated 3 June 2014
Basisprospekt für die Emission von Wertpapieren vom 28. Mai 2014
Registrierungsdokument der UBS AG vom 19.05.2014
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Performance Securities (Prop Indices)
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Rates)
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of UBS ETC Notes
Base Prospectus for the Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Cash)
Base Prospectus for the Issue of Securities dated 16 August 2013
Base Prospectus for the issuance of Money Market Switch Notes
Registration Document
Securities Note and Summary Structured Securities dated 04 July 2013
Securities Note and Summary Warrants dated 12 June 2013
Registrierungsdokument der UBS AG vom 22. Mai 2013
Base Prospectus for the issue of Open End Index Certificates of UBS AG dated 25 June 2012
Base Prospectus - Structured Note Programme of UBS AG dated 22 June 2012
Base Prospectus for the issue of Warrants of UBS AG dated 20 June 2012
Base Prospectus for the issue of Securities of UBS AG dated 20 June 2012
Base Prospectus for the issue of Securities of UBS AG dated 28 November 2011
Base Prospectus for Structured Note Programme dated 15 November 2011
Base Prospectus for the issue of Warrants dated 14 October 2011
Base Prospectus for the issue of Securities of UBS AG dated 03 December 2010
Wertpapierprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz der UBS AG [, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS Structured Note Programme
Base Prospectus for the issue of Warrants dated 22 October 2010
Base Prospectus by UBS AG [, [London] [Jersey] Branch] for the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Gearing] [Capital Yield] [Champion] [Outperformance] [Easy] [Express] [Kick-In] [PLUS] [XL] [Bonus] [(Capped)] [Certificates] [Notes]
Wertpapierprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz der UBS AG [, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS Structured Note Programme
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London] [Jersey] [Branch], dated 21 October 2009, in relation to the Structured Warrant Programme
Base Prospectus pursuant to §§ 6(2), 16(1) of the Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz; "WpPG") dated 4 September 2009
Base Prospectus dated 15 June 2009 of UBS AG which may also be acting through its Jersey branch (UBS AG, Jersey Branch) or through its London branch (UBS AG, London Branch) for issue of Warrants
Wertpapierprospekt vom 23. April 2009 Basisprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz der UBS AG [, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Kick-In] [GOAL] [(Capped)] Anleihen
Wertpapierprospekt vom 6. April 2009 Basisprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz der UBS AG [, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS Structured Note Programme
Wertpapierprospekt vom 29. Januar 2009 Basisprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz derUBS AG [, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Bull] [bzw.] [Bear] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Securities Prospectus dated 29 January 2009 Base Prospectus pursuant to section 6 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz) by UBS AG [, [London] [Jersey] Branch] for the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [[Performance] [Express] [Reverse] [PERLES]] [Outperformance] [Relative Performance Plus] [Open-End] [[Super] S2MART] [[Lock-In] [Bonus] [Extra Plus] [Flex]] [(Capped)] Certificates
Securities Prospectus dated 21 April 2009 by UBS AG [London] [Jersey] Branch for the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Gearing] [(Capped)] [Certificates] [Notes]
Securities Prospectus dated 17 December 2008 Base Prospectus pursuant to section 6 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz) by UBS AG [, [London] [Jersey] Branch] for the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Bonus] [Twin-Win] [Express] [Reverse] [Lock-In] [Basket] [Select] [(Capped)] [Certificates] [Notes]
Nachtrag für Structured Notes Program 10.04.2008
Wertpapierprospekt vom 8. Dezember 2008 Basisprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz der UBS AG [,Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Akkumulator] [Dekumulator] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Securities Prospectus dated 25 November 2008 Base Prospectus pursuant to section 6 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz) by UBS AG [, [London] [Jersey] Branch] for the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Discount [PLUS]] [Sprint [PLUS]] [Multibloc] [[Easy] [Outperformance [Express] [Kick-In] [PLUS] [XL] [Bonus]] [Callable Yield] [Reverse] [Champion] [Express] [(Capped)] Certificates
Basisprospekt vom 29. September 2008 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London][Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Reverse] [Express] [[(Call)] [bzw.] [Put]] [Hit [Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Lock Out [Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Double Lock Out] [[Turbo Long-] [bzw.] [Turbo Short-]] [Digital [Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Hamster] [[Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Spread]] [(Capped)] [Down & Out Put] Optionsscheinen
Basisprospekt vom 26. September 2008 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London][Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Discount [Plus]] [Sprint [Plus]] [Multibloc] [[Easy] [Outperformance [Express] [Kick-In] [Plus] [XL] [Bonus]] [Callable Yield] [Reverse] [Champion] [Express] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Wertpapierprospekt vom 26. August 2008 Basisprospekt gemäß § 6 Wertpapierprospektgesetz der UBS AG [,Niederlassung [London] [Jersey]] zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Reverse] [Bonus] [Twin-Win] [Express] [Lock-in] [Basket] [Select] [(Capped)] [Zertifikaten] [Anleihen]
SWP Base Document
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 27 May 2008, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Kick-In] [GOAL] [(Capped)] Notes
SNP Base Document
Base Prospectus of UBS AG[London][Jersey] Branch, dated 18 April 2008, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Gearing] [(Capped)] Certificates
Basisprospekt vom 18. April 2008 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Kick-In] [GOAL] [(Capped)] Anleihen
Base Prospectus of UBS AG[London][Jersey] Branch, dated 10 April 2008, concerning the issue of UBS Structured Note Programme
Basisprospekt vom 18. März 2008 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [(Capped)] Optionsanleihen
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 21 January 2008, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [[Performance] [PERLES]] [Outperformance] [Relative Performance Plus] [Open-End] [[Super] S2MART] [[Lock-In] Bonus [Extra] [Plus] [Flex]] [(Capped)] Certificates [[without] [with] settlement formula]
Basisprospekt vom 14. Januar 2008 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Bull] [bzw.] [Bear] Zertifikaten
Base Prospectus dated 16 June 2008 of UBS AG for the issue of Warrants
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 20 December 2007, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Bonus] [Express] [Reverse] [Lock-in] [(Capped)] Certificates
Basisprospekt vom 20. Dezember 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von [Capital Protected] [Champion] [Express] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 4. Dezember 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [[Performance] [PERLES]] [Outperformance] [Relative Performance Plus] [Open-End] [[Super] S2MART] [[Lock-In] Bonus [Extra] [Plus] [Flex]] [*] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten [[ohne] [mit] Abrechnungsformel]
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 23 November 2007, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Discount [PLUS]] [Sprint [PLUS]] [Multibloc] [[Easy] [Outperformance [Express]] [Kick-In] [PLUS] [XL] [Bonus]] [Callable Yield] [*] [(Capped)] Certificates
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 13 November 2007, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [[Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put]] [Hit [Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put]] [Lock Out [Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put]] [Double Lock Out] [[Turbo Long-] [or, as the case may be,] [Turbo Short-]] [Digital [Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put]] [Hamster] [*] [(Capped)] Warrants
Basisprospekt vom 21. September 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Discount [PLUS]] [Sprint [PLUS]] [Multibloc] [[Easy] [Outperformance [Express] [Kick-In] [PLUS] [XL] [Bonus]] [Callable Yield] [*] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
20. September 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [[Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Hit [Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Lock Out [Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Double Lock Out] [[Turbo Long-] [bzw.] [Turbo Short-]] [Digital [Call] [bzw.] [Put]] [Hamster] [*] [(Capped)] Optionsscheinen
Basisprospekt vom 6. September 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Call] [Put] [Spread] [*] [(Capped)] Optionsscheinen
Basisprospekt vom 20. August 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey, zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Reverse] [Bonus] [Twin-Win] [Basket] [Select] [•] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 15. August 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] [Bonus] [Express] [Reverse] [Lock-in] [•] [(Capped)]
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 12 April 2007, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] [Gearing] [*] [(Capped)] Certificates
Nachtrag für Structured Notes Program 10.04.2007
Basisprospekt vom 22. Februar 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London][Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Capital Protected] Outperformance [Plus] [Express] [Bonus] [(Capped)]-Zertifikaten
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 25 January 2007, concerning the issue of UBS [[Performance] [PERLES] [(Capped)] Certificates [without] [with] settlement formula] [Outperformance [(Capped)] Certificates] [Relative Performance Plus Certificates] [Open-End [(Capped)] Certificates [without] [with] settlement formula*] [[Super] S2MART Certificates*] [[Lock-In] Bonus [(Capped)] [Extra] [Plus] [Flex] Certificates]
Basisprospekt vom 18. Januar 2007 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London][Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Kick-In] [GOAL] Anleihen
Securities Prospectus dated 2 February 2007 by UBS AG, [London] [Jersey] Branch for the issue of UBS [Kick-In] [GOAL] Notes
Sweden - Yearly Information to Finansinspektionen - Period 2006-05-25 to 2007-05-11
Basisprospekt vom 22. Dezember 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS Champion [Express] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 1. Dezember 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [[Performance] [PERLES] [(Capped)]-Zertifikaten [ohne] [mit] Abrechnungsformel] [Outperformance [(Capped)]-Zertifikaten] [Relative Performance Plus-Zertifikaten] [Open-End [(Capped)]-Zertifikaten [ohne] [mit] Abrechnungsformel] [[Super] S2MART-Zertifikaten] [[Lock-In] Bonus [(Capped)] [Extra] [Plus] [Flex]-Zertifikaten
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 17 November 2006, concerning the issue of UBS [Discount Certificates] [Discount PLUS Certificates] [Sprint [PLUS] Certificates] [Multibloc Certificates] [[Easy] [Outperformance [(Capped)]] Express [Kick-In] [PLUS] [XL] [Bonus] Certificates] [Callable Yield Certificates]
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, London Branch, dated 16 November 2006, concerning the issue of UBS [[Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put] Warrants] [Hit [Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put] Warrants] [Lock Out [Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put] Warrants] [Double Lock Out Warrants] [[Turbo Long-] [or, as the case may be,] [Turbo Short-] Warrants] [Digital [Call] [or, as the case may be,] [Put] Warrants] [Hamster Warrants]
Basisprospekt vom 12. Oktober 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS [Bull] [bzw.] [Bear] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 25. September 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London][Jersey] zur Begebung von UBS [Discount Zertifikaten] [Discount PLUS Zertifikaten] [Sprint [PLUS] Zertifikaten] [Multibloc Zertifikaten] [[Easy] [Outperformance [(Capped)]] Express [Kick-In] [PLUS] [XL] [Bonus] Zertifikaten] [Callable Yield Zertifikat]
Basisprospekt vom 21. September 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS [[Call] [bzw.] [Put] Optionsscheinen] [Hit [Call] [bzw.] [Put] Optionsscheinen] [Lock Out [Call] [bzw.] [Put] Optionsscheinen] [Double Lock Out Optionsscheinen] [[Turbo Long-] [bzw.] [Turbo Short-] Optionsscheinen] [Digital [Call] [bzw.] [Put] Optionsscheinen] [Hamster Optionsscheinen]
Basisprospekt vom 21. September 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung Jersey, zur Begebung von UBS Commodity Yield Anleihen
Basisprospekt vom 1. August 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS [Bonus Select] [Bonus Basket Select] [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 26. Juli 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von [Call] [Put] Spread Optionsscheinen
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, London Branch, dated 11 July 2006, concerning the issue of UBS Reverse [(Capped)] Bonus Certificates
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, London Branch, dated 11 July 2006, concerning the issue of UBS [TWIN-WIN] [*] Certificates
Basisprospekt vom 2. Juni 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS Reverse [(Capped)]Bonus-Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 15. Mai 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS S²MART [(Capped)] Bonus-Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 22. März 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung Jersey, zur Begebung von UBS FX Fast (Forward Arbitrage Strategy)-Anleihen
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 1 March 2006, concerning the issue of UBS [Capital Protected] Gearing Certificates
Basisprospekt vom 17. Februar 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS [TWIN-WIN] [•]-Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 30. Januar 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS [Outperformance] [•] Express [(Capped)] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 11. Januar 2006 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von UBS [Callable Yield] [•] Zertifikaten
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 5 January 2006, concerning the issue of UBS [Performance Certificates without settlement formula] [Performance-Certificates with settlement formula] [Outperformance Certificates] [Relative Performance Plus Certificates] [Open-End Certificates without settlement formula] [Open-End Certificates with settlement formula] [S2MART Certificates] [Super S2MART Certificates] [Bonus Certificates] [Bonus Plus Certificates] [Bonus Extra Plus Certificates] [Express Certificates][Express Kick-In Certificates] [Express Plus Certificates] [Easy Express Certificates] [Express XL Certificates]
Basisprospekt vom 1. Dezember 2005 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von UBS [Performance-Zertifikaten ohne Abrechnungsformel] [Performance-Zertifikaten mit Abrechnungsformel] [Outperformance-Zertifikaten] [Relative Performance Plus-Zertifikaten] [Open-End-Zertifikaten ohne Abrechnungsformel] [Open-End-Zertifikaten mit Abrechnungsformel] [S2MART-Zertifikaten] [Super S2MART-Zertifikaten][Bonus-Zertifikaten] [Bonus Plus-Zertifikaten] [Bonus Extra Plus-Zertifikaten] [Express-Zertifikaten] [Express Kick-In-Zertifikaten] [Express Plus-Zertifikaten] [Easy Express-Zertifikaten] [Express XL-Zertifikaten]
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, [London][Jersey] Branch, dated 20 October 2005, concerning the issue of [Discount] [Discount PLUS] [Sprint] [Multibloc] Certificates
Base Prospectus of UBS AG, London Branch, dated 20 October 2005, concerning the issue of [Call] [Put] Warrants, HIT [Call] [Put] Warrants, Lock Out [Call] [Put] Warrants, Double Lock Out Warrants, [Turbo Long-] [Turbo Short-] Warrants, Digital [Call] [Put] Warrants and Hamster Warrants
Basisprospekt vom 29. September 2005 der UBS AG, Niederlassung [London] [Jersey], zur Begebung von [Discount] [Discount PLUS] [Sprint] [Multibloc] Zertifikaten
Basisprospekt vom 29. September 2005 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von Call] [Put] Optionsscheinen, Hit [Call] [Put] Optionsscheinen, Lock Out [Call] [Put] Optionsscheinen, Double Lock Out Optionsscheinen, [Turbo Long-] [Turbo Short-] Optionsscheinen, Digital [Call] [Put] Optionsscheinen und Hamster Optionsscheinen
Basisprospekt vom 30. Juni 2000 der UBS AG, Niederlassung London, zur Begebung von Open End Index-Zertifikaten